On Docker

How to forward a xsession

If you want to forward a xsession from docker (e.g. rviz2), you have to install xhost. The forwarding is done automatically by adding docker user to the X Server access list when docker is created.

How to use nvidia driver in docker

We explain here how to expose your nvidia drivers into the docker container.

sudo: unable to resolve host <hostname>: Name or service not known

Problem using sudo: If you encounter following message trying to use sudo: sudo: unable to resolve host <hostname>: Name or service not known. You have to add <hostname> to the /etc/hosts file inside the container. However, using sudo should work fine without adding it.

Docker and ROS1: Can not start my roscore.

If you try to start your roscore inside the docker container with roscore-command and get the following error message: RLException: Unable to contact my own server at [http://<hostname>:<port>]. You have to add <hostname> to the /etc/hosts file inside the container.